Sir Edmund Tilney, Master of the Revels

Under Elizabeth and James, producing all court entertinments was the resonsibility of the Office of the Revels. Edmund Tilney (or Tyllney), who was Master of the Revels from 1578 unti he died in 1610, was the first to rely on plays by the professional companies, much cheaper than the masques, to entertain the monarch and court. This account, from 1605, lists the plays performed at court during the Christmas season. Shakespeare's plays predominate. Measure for Measure, Othello, The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Comedy of Errors, Love's Labours Lost, Henry V and The Merchant of Venice (the last repeated as "Commanded By the Kings Majestie") were all performed, along with two plays by Heywood and Chapman and two by Ben Jonson.